sound installation
Grief is a response to loss which might strike anyone at any moment. However, it is not a popular topic in our society which might contribute to the difficulties when having to overcome it.
A sound installation builds up an immersion in the experiences of grief of various individuals. They tell about their feelings and how these change und change them throughout this process. What happened? How did this experience change these people? Or how is it changing them? Was it merely a negative experience? How do they see themselves now and then? How is it to think about the person they lost? These are just a few topics that came during the interviews in which the individuals opened themselves to reveal an important piece of what makes them who they are today.
A soundscape of the sounds of the sea and wind follows the stories building up a narration through its highs and lows.
The sound of the voices and the soundscape surround the installation through five speakers. Each speaker corresponds to each narrating voice. The soundscape flows through all speakers. In front of every speaker a litter is set for the listener to lay. The room is slightly illuminated inviting the listener to get lost in the experience of the narrators.
The edition of the audio material as well as the composing of the soundscape was done digitally. The sounds of the sea and wind were done using an analog synthesizer.
Trailer (stereo version)
Watch using headphones or stereo speakers